Wednesday, April 16, 2014

JQuery does not work with SVG files

The libraries mentioned below have some of the latest javascript functionalities, but I had a problem surfing through the correct library which provides an implemention for indexOf() function on an svg map area.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Error: Some of the files failed to copy during deployment of the solution.

Sometimes installation of a wsp package to SharePoint 2010 server fails with the error message
"Some of the files failed to copy during deployment of the solution. <Server Name> : <Server URL>: SharePoint - 80 : Error: The copying of this file failed: MyProject.dll.
I/O error occurred.
<Server Name>: I/O error occurred."

After digging I found out that this was due to the dll in bin folder being locked by sharepoint 2010 timer services job.

Below powershell script stops and starts the timer job service again

Secure micro services using jwt and ocelot

  Secure Microservices Using JWT With Ocelot in .NET Core (