Friday, July 26, 2019

Regex to find a string NOT followed by another

Visual studio has slightly different regex syntax. Thus the not symbol is ?! instead of ^ in normal regex.

Lets say we want to find all occurrences of StrA NOT followed by StrB and replace them with StrC

that is given the following data


We would like out output to be

StrC         //replaced  StrA since it is not being followed by StrB
StrCXYZ      //replaced  StrA since it is not being followed by StrB
XYZStrC      //replaced  StrA since it is not being followed by StrB

The regular expression for find is: \b([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)StrA(?!StrB)([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\b
And for replace is:                          $1StrC$2

TSQL: Convert string in format to time

The following statement converts time string (nvarchar) in format to Time

print DATEADD(ms, (ISNULL(LEFT(TRY_PARSE(RIGHT(ISNULL(LEFT(RIGHT(@timeString,LEN(@timeString)-CHARINDEX(':',@timeString)), 5), '0'),LEN(ISNULL(LEFT(RIGHT(@timeString,LEN(@timeString)-CHARINDEX(':',@timeString)), 5), '0'))-CHARINDEX('.',ISNULL(LEFT(RIGHT(@timeString,LEN(@timeString)-CHARINDEX(':',@timeString)), 5), '0'))) AS INT), 2), 0)) * 10,
DATEADD(s, ISNULL(TRY_PARSE(LEFT(ISNULL(LEFT(RIGHT(@timeString,LEN(@timeString)-CHARINDEX(':',@timeString)), 5), '0'),LEN(ISNULL(LEFT(RIGHT(@timeString,LEN(@timeString)-CHARINDEX(':',@timeString)), 5), '0'))-CHARINDEX('.',ISNULL(LEFT(RIGHT(@timeString,LEN(@timeString)-CHARINDEX(':',@timeString)), 5), '0'))) AS INT), 0),
DATEADD(mi, ISNULL(TRY_PARSE(LEFT(@timeString,CHARINDEX(':',@timeString)-1) AS INT), 0), '0:0')))

DACPAC deployment error: The database containment option has been changed to None.

This error primarily occurs for Azure SQL databases if we are trying to deploy dacpac package using SqlPackage.exe. It can be resolved by adding the following tag under <PropertyGroup></PropertyGroup>


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

List all versions of a nuget package

Use these commands in package manager console to list all versions of a Nuget package

$x = Find-Package UkSport.UKSportHub.Auth2 -AllVersions -ExactMatch
$x.Versions | Format-Table

Regex obfuscate email

 Use this code in C# to obfuscate email using regex // Online C# Editor for free // Write, Edit and Run your C# code using C# Online Compile...