Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Linq to sharepoint library automatically removes spaces between choice options, to get correct choice values we have to use extention methods as described below



this method does not work for multiple choice fields, so I have created a new static method (which is not an extension method)

public static string StringValueOf(object obj,string propertyName)
{string returnValue = string.Empty;
if (((Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq.ColumnAttribute)(obj.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName).GetCustomAttributes(false)[0])).FieldType == "MultiChoice")
{string allvalues = Convert.ToString(obj.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName).GetValue(obj,null));
string[] values = allvalues.Split(",".ToCharArray());
foreach (string value in values)
{string actualValue = string.Empty;
FieldInfo fi = obj.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName).GetValue(obj, null).GetType().GetField(value.Trim());
Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq.ChoiceAttribute[] attributes = (Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq.ChoiceAttribute[])fi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq.ChoiceAttribute), false);
if (attributes.Length > 0)
actualValue = attributes[0].Value;
actualValue = value.ToString();
if (returnValue.Length > 0)
returnValue +=
", " + actualValue;
returnValue = actualValue;
string value = Convert.ToString(obj.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName).GetValue(obj, null));
FieldInfo fi = obj.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName).GetValue(obj, null).GetType().GetField(value);
Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq.ChoiceAttribute[] attributes = (Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq.ChoiceAttribute[])fi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq.ChoiceAttribute), false);
if (attributes.Length > 0)
returnValue = attributes[0].Value;
returnValue = value.ToString();
return returnValue;

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