Friday, February 8, 2013

I had a project with prebuil.bat to automatically generate entity objects for the sharepoint site.
Then I added a list template with "Create list instance for this template" set to true, thus after deploying the solution, a list instance was automatically created, but after deleting this template from the project and deploying the solution again I got the error

Feature {Guid} for list template '10000' is not installed in this farm.  The operation could not be completed

I realised that this error is because list template for the custom list is not longer valid, but I was not able to delete the list either from "All Site Contents" page or from "Site Setting -> Content and Structure" page. After digging a bit on internet and giving it a thought, I simply restored the list template from recycle bin, removed prebuild.bat command from project properties and deployed the solution again. The solution deployed without any error and I was able to delete the list instance, remove list template from my solution and deploy it back safely.

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