Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Javascript Clear all timeouts and intervals

I came across the reuqirement in a project to use mouse over, mouse out as well as mouse click methods to call some javascript functions which basically rotate a carousel. I tried a lot to use OOTB setTimeout and clearTimeout methods but they seem to have created multiple instances of the setinterval methods. Therefore after searching a bit I came across following solution which works like a magic!

Modify OOTB methods to store and retrieve all timer ids while clearing them.

window.timeoutList = new Array();
window.intervalList = new Array();

window.oldSetTimeout = window.setTimeout;
window.oldSetInterval = window.setInterval;
window.oldClearTimeout = window.clearTimeout;
window.oldClearInterval = window.clearInterval;

window.setTimeout = function(code, delay) {
    var retval = window.oldSetTimeout(code, delay);
    return retval;
window.clearTimeout = function(id) {
    var ind = window.timeoutList.indexOf(id);
    if(ind >= 0) {
        window.timeoutList.splice(ind, 1);
    var retval = window.oldClearTimeout(id);
    return retval;
window.setInterval = function(code, delay) {
    var retval = window.oldSetInterval(code, delay);
    return retval;
window.clearInterval = function(id) {
    var ind = window.intervalList.indexOf(id);
    if(ind >= 0) {
        window.intervalList.splice(ind, 1);
    var retval = window.oldClearInterval(id);
    return retval;
window.clearAllTimeouts = function() {
    for(var i in window.timeoutList) {
    window.timeoutList = new Array();
window.clearAllIntervals = function() {
    for(var i in window.intervalList) {
    window.intervalList = new Array();

Copied from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3141064/how-to-stop-all-timeouts-and-intervals-using-javascript

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