Tuesday, March 17, 2015

spexception:81020014 Error while activating publishing feature at a site level after upgrading the site from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010

This issue is caused by Relationships list having wrong column name. The error log is

Watson bucket parameters: SharePoint Server 2010, ULSException14, 81eed5e0 "web content management", 0e001b67 "14.0.7015.0", 1f65804a "microsoft.sharepoint", 0e001be1 "14.0.7137.0", 543d891b "tue oct 14 21:35:39 2014", 00003bf7 "00003bf7", 00000027 "00000027", 33ecf53b "spexception:81020014", 38666937 "8fi7"

It can be solved easily by following steps as mentioned in the blog https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/a30f0ffd-782f-4d4a-9c22-b92bac0fad4f/error-when-starting-a-sharepoint-2010-beta-2-publishing-site?forum=sharepointadminprevious


  1. Deactivate publishing infrastructure feature if it is already active 
  2. Delete the relationship list at site collection root web 
  3. Activate publishing infrastructure feature at site collection features 
  4. Activate publishing site feature at the site.

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