Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Social media optimisation

Facebook has released social media optimization protocol known as Open Graph Protocol. It facilitates articles on our website behaving as 'graph objects' which can interact with other facebook objects. More information can be found at

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Visual Studio extension to highlight all occurances of selected word

This is a useful visual studio extension. Just found its source code at

I modified it to allow words beginning with @ or #. In MatchTagger.cs add this declaration:

private char[] allowedSpecialChars = new char[] { '_', '@', '#' };

Next, change foreach loop in private void OnSelectionChanged(object sender, object e) like so:

foreach (var c in text)

if (!char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) && !Array.Exists(allowedSpecialChars, ch => ch == c)) return;

That's it! It can now be built and added to our visual studio.

As a side note, also found out on stackoverflow that visual studio extensions can be debugged by add the following settings to first <PropertyGroup> in the extension's project file:

<StartArguments>/rootsuffix Exp</StartArguments>


Regex obfuscate email

 Use this code in C# to obfuscate email using regex // Online C# Editor for free // Write, Edit and Run your C# code using C# Online Compile...