Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Visual Studio extension to highlight all occurances of selected word

This is a useful visual studio extension. Just found its source code at

I modified it to allow words beginning with @ or #. In MatchTagger.cs add this declaration:

private char[] allowedSpecialChars = new char[] { '_', '@', '#' };

Next, change foreach loop in private void OnSelectionChanged(object sender, object e) like so:

foreach (var c in text)

if (!char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) && !Array.Exists(allowedSpecialChars, ch => ch == c)) return;

That's it! It can now be built and added to our visual studio.

As a side note, also found out on stackoverflow that visual studio extensions can be debugged by add the following settings to first <PropertyGroup> in the extension's project file:

<StartArguments>/rootsuffix Exp</StartArguments>


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